
第五篇 在神的家中当怎样行—操练自己以至于敬虔
How to Conduct Ourselves in the House of God—Exercising Ourselves unto Godliness


Scripture Reading: 1 Tim. 3:15a, 16a; 4:7b-8; 6:3; 2 Tim. 1:7; 4:22; Titus 1:1

壹 “我将这些事写给你,……你也可以知道在神的家中当怎样行”—提前三14~15上:

I. "I write that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the house of God"—1 Tim. 3:15a:

一 保罗所服事给提摩太的,完全是关于在召会中当怎样行—一3~5、18~19。note

A. What Paul ministered to Timothy was entirely concerning how to conduct himself in the church—1:3-5, 18-19.

二 我们在召会中行事为人的路,乃是借着成为爱慕神话语的人—三15上,参约六63、68。note

B. The way to conduct ourselves in the church is by becoming one who loves the Word of God—3:15a; cf. John 6:63, 68.

三 我们要知道在召会生活中当怎样行,就必须遵循这两个管治原则:尊重基督的元首权柄,以及担负真理—西二19,弗四15。note

C. Respecting the headship of Christ and bearing the truth are two governing principles that we must follow in order to know how to conduct ourselves in the church life—Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:15.

四 我们要在神的家—召会—中有正确的行事为人,就需要顾到健康的教训—提后四3~4。note

D. In order to properly conduct ourselves in the house of God, the church, we need to take care of the healthy teaching—2 Tim. 4:3-4.

五 我们必须在我们的灵里生活行动,使神能在召会中显明为活的神—约四23~24,林前六17,提前三15~16。note

E. We must live and act in our spirit so that in the church God can be manifested as the living God—John 4:23-24; 1 Cor. 6:17; 1 Tim. 3:15-16.

贰 “大哉!敬虔的奥秘!这是众所公认的”—16节上:

II. "Confessedly, great is the mystery of godliness"—v. 16a:

一 “敬虔”这个重要的辞在提摩太前后书中使用了九次—提前二2,三16,四7~8,六3、5~6、11,提后三5。note

A. The important word godliness is used nine times in 1 and 2 Timothy—1 Tim. 2:2; 3:16; 4:7-8; 6:3, 5-6, 11; 2 Tim. 3:5.

二 敬虔是个奥秘,因为又真又活,却不可见—提前三16上,六11。note

B. Godliness is a mystery because it is real and living yet invisible—1 Tim. 3:16a; 6:11.

三 对真理完全的认识乃是合乎敬虔的—多一1。note

C. The full knowledge of the truth is according to godliness—Titus 1:1.

四 神永远经纶的真理,实际,是合乎敬虔的,敬虔就是神显现于人—1节,提前三16上。note

D. The truth, the reality, of God's eternal economy is according to godliness, which is God manifested in man—v. 1; 1 Tim. 3:16a.

五 敬虔乃是像神,与神相像,彰显神—西一15,三10。note

E. Godliness is godlikeness, being like God, expressing God—Col. 1:15; 3:10.

六 敬虔并非仅仅外面的事;提前三章十六节的“显现”这辞,指明敬虔是里面的生命连同外面的彰显。note

F. Godliness is not merely an outward matter; the word manifested in 1 Timothy 3:16 indicates that godliness is an inward life with an outward expression.

七 我们这些在基督里的信徒该追求敬虔;追求敬虔乃是过一种显明神的日常生活—六11。note

G. As believers in Christ, we should pursue godliness; to pursue godliness is to live a daily life that manifests God—6:11.

八 为要使神显现于肉体,我们整个生活都需要彰显敬虔—约壹三2,二28。note

H. In order for God to be manifested in the flesh, godliness needs to be expressed in our whole living—1 John 3:2; 2:28.

九 神的经纶是神进入我们里面,而敬虔是神从我们而出—提前一4,三16上:note

I. God's economy is God coming into us, and godliness is God going out of us—1 Tim. 1:4; 3:16a:

1 基督徒的生活就是神进神出—约四14,七29。note

1. The Christian life is simply God coming in and God going out—John 4:14; 7:29.

2 因为敬虔是神的彰显,基督徒的生活该是在凡事上彰显神并带有神样式的生活—来一3,林后三18。note

2. Because godliness is the expression of God, the Christian life should be a life that expresses God and bears God's likeness in all things—Heb. 1:3; 2 Cor. 3:18.

3 提前二章二节说,我们需要十分敬虔地过平静安宁的生活;我们在各处并在一切事上,即便是小事,都需要十分敬虔的过生活。note

3. First Timothy 2:2 says that we need to lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness; even in small things, we need to lead a life in all godliness, everywhere and in everything.

4 我们的召会生活、日常生活和家庭生活,就是神终日进进出出—林后十三14,三18。note

4. Our church life, our daily life, and our family life are simply God coming in and God going out all day—2 Cor. 13:14; 3:18.

十 活神的召会是敬虔终极的奥秘,因为正当的召会生活乃是神在肉体的团体显现—提前三15~16,西一15。note

J. The church of the living God is the ultimate mystery of godliness because the proper church life is the corporate manifestation of God in the flesh—1 Tim. 3:15-16; Col. 1:15.

叁 “操练自己以至于敬虔”—提前四7下:

III. "Exercise yourself unto godliness"—1 Tim. 4:7b:

一 我们在召会生活中行事为人的路,就是操练自己以至于敬虔—三15上,四7下,二2。note

A. The way to conduct ourselves in the church life is to exercise ourselves unto godliness—3:15a; 4:7b; 2:2.

二 我们都必须操练我们的灵,因为神的奥秘乃是在于我们的灵—弗一9,三3~4、9,五32,西一26~27,二2,提后四22。note

B. We all have to exercise our spirit because the mystery of God is with our spirit—Eph. 1:9; 3:3-4, 9; 5:32; Col. 1:26-27; 2:2; 2 Tim. 4:22.

三 我们基督徒的生活是敬虔的生活,来自于神将祂自己分赐到我们里面;这在于我们的灵得着完全的操练—林后十三14,提后四22,门25。note

C. Our Christian life is a life of godliness, which comes out of God's dispensing of Himself into us; this depends upon our spirit being fully exercised—2 Cor. 13:14; 2 Tim. 4:22; Philem. 25.

四 我们需要建立起运用灵的习惯—提前四7下,林前六17,弗二22:note

D. We need to build up the habit of exercising our spirit—1 Tim. 4:7b; 1 Cor. 6:17; Eph. 2:22:

1 来自神的分赐的敬虔生活,在于操练我们的灵—提前四7下,约四23~24。note

1. A godly life issuing from God's dispensing depends upon the exercise of our spirit—1 Tim. 4:7b; John 4:23-24.

2 我们若不刚强地操练我们的灵,与主合作,神就无法将祂自己分赐到我们里面—林后十三14,林前六17,罗八4、9。note

2. If we do not exercise our spirit strongly to cooperate with the Lord, God cannot dispense Himself into us—2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Cor. 6:17; Rom. 8:4, 9.

五 “操练”这辞含示勉强—提前四7下:note

E. The word exercise implies forcing—1 Tim. 4:7b:

1 操练总是一件勉强的事。

1. To exercise is always a forced matter.

2 每当我们在艰难的光景中,我们必须勉强自己操练我们的灵—参罗八28。note

2. Whenever we are in a hard situation, we have to force ourselves to exercise our spirit—cf. Rom. 8:28.

3 我们基督徒若要刚强并在主里长大,就必须勉强自己用我们的灵—提后四22,启一10,四2,十七3,二一10,罗八16。note

3. If we Christians want to be strong and grow in the Lord, we must force ourselves to use our spirit—2 Tim. 4:22; Rev. 1:10; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10; Rom. 8:16.

六 操练我们的灵,乃是将我们的心思置于灵—6节,玛二15~16:note

F. To exercise our spirit is to set our mind on the spirit—v. 6; Mal. 2:15-16:

1 当我们将心思置于灵,我们就有内里生命平安的感觉,就是刚强、饱足、安息、释放、活泼、滋润、明亮和舒适的感觉。

1. When we set our mind on the spirit, we have the inner sense of life and peace, the sense of strength, satisfaction, rest, release, liveliness, watering, brightness, and comfort.

2 当我们将心思置于肉体,我们就有内里死的感觉,就是软弱、虚空、不适、不安、下沉、枯干、黑暗和痛苦的感觉。

2. When we set our mind on the flesh, we have the inner sense of death, the sense of weakness, emptiness, uneasiness, restlessness, depression, dryness, darkness, and pain.

3 我们基督徒的生活不是按照对错的标准,乃是照着灵,并且我们凭着内里生命平安的感觉认识灵—罗八6、16,九1,林后十三14。note

3. Our Christian life is not according to the standard of right and wrong but according to the spirit, and we know the spirit by the inner sense of life and peace—Rom. 8:6, 16; 9:1; 2 Cor. 13:14.

七 操练我们的灵,乃是辨明我们的灵与魂—来四12:note

G. To exercise our spirit is to discern our spirit from our soul—Heb. 4:12:

1 我们应当一直保持警觉,辨明并拒絶一切不是出于灵,而是出于魂,出于己的事—太十六25,参路九25。note

1. We should always be on the alert to discern and deny anything that is not of the spirit but of the soul, the self—Matt. 16:25; cf. Luke 9:25.

2 我们必须一直保持我们的灵与魂分开—来四12,帖前五23。note

2. All the time we need to keep our spirit separate from our soul—Heb. 4:12; 1 Thes. 5:23.

3 仇敌的计谋总是要使我们的灵一直与我们的魂搀杂在一起。

3. The enemy's strategy is always to mix our spirit with our soul.

4 我们的一切所是、所有并所作,都必须在灵里;神之于我们的一切,都是在我们的灵里—提后四22。note

4. Whatever we are, whatever we have, and whatever we do must be in the spirit; everything that God is to us is in our spirit—2 Tim. 4:22.

八 为要证明操练以至于敬虔就是操练我们的灵,我们必须读提摩太后书;在那里保罗说,神赐给我们的,乃是能力、爱并清明自守的灵;这样的灵乃是带着刚强的意志、爱的情感并清明自守的心思—一7:note

H. In order to prove that the exercise unto godliness is the exercise of the spirit, we need to go to 2 Timothy, where Paul says that God has given us a spirit that is strong, loving, and sober; such a spirit is with a strong will, a loving emotion, and a sober mind—1:7:

1 提后一章七节里的“灵”,指我们由圣灵重生并内住之人的灵—约三6,罗八16。note

1. The word spirit in 2 Timothy 1:7 denotes our human spirit, regenerated and indwelt by the Holy Spirit—John 3:6; Rom. 8:16.

2 将神的恩赐如火挑旺起来,与我们重生的灵有关—提后一6。note

2. To fan into flame the gift of God is related to our regenerated spirit—2 Tim. 1:6.

3 “能力”说到我们的意志,“爱”说到我们的情感,“清明自守”说到我们的心思—7节。note

3. Of power refers to our will, of love to our emotion, and of sobermindedness to our mind—v. 7.

九 操练自己以至于敬虔,就是操练我们的灵,在日常生活中活基瞀,以建造召会作基督的身体—提前四7下,弗二20~22,四12、16,林前十四4、12。note

I. To exercise ourselves unto godliness is to exercise our spirit to live Christ in our daily life for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ—1 Tim. 4:7b; Eph. 2:20-22; 4:12, 16; 1 Cor. 14:4, 12.