
第七篇 使徒保罗的榜样
The Pattern of the Apostle Paul


Scripture Reading: 1 Tim. 1:16; 4:12; 1 Thes. 2:1-12

壹 保罗是信徒的榜样,他在灵里活基督、显大基督并供应基督作为那灵,为着建造基督的身体—提前一16,四12,罗八16,腓一19~21上、25,林后三3、6:note

I. Paul was a pattern to the believers of living Christ, magnifying Christ, and ministering Christ as the Spirit in his spirit for the building up of the Body of Christ—1 Tim. 1:16; 4:12; Rom. 8:16; Phil. 1:19-21a, 25; 2 Cor. 3:3, 6:

一 主向保罗显现,选定保罗作执事和见证人,将保罗所看见祂的事,和祂将要显现给保罗的事,见证出来—徒二六16~19,参一8,二三11,二十20、31:note

A. The Lord appeared to Paul to appoint him as a minister and a witness both of the things in which Paul had seen Him and of the things in which He would appear to Paul—Acts 26:16-19; cf. 1:8; 23:11; 20:20, 31:

1 保罗过一种生活是全然尊贵,有人性美德的最高标准,彰显最高超的神圣属性,与多年前主在地上所过的生活相似—弗四20~21,腓四5~8、11~13。note

1. Paul lived a life that was fully dignified, with the highest standard of human virtues expressing the most excellent divine attributes, a life that resembled the one that the Lord Himself had lived on the earth years before—Eph. 4:20-21; Phil. 4:5-8, 11-13.

2 这是从前活在福音书里那奇妙、超絶、奥秘的神人,借着祂许多肢体中的一个—保罗—继续活着;保罗是成为肉体、钉死十架、复活、被神高举之基督的活见证人—徒一8,腓二2、5,一8,二13,徒二七22、24~25,二八3~9,见9注1。note

2. The wonderful, excellent, and mysterious God-man, who lived in the Gospels, continued to live through Paul as one of His many members; Paul was a living witness of the incarnated, crucified, resurrected, and God-exalted Christ—Acts 1:8; Phil. 2:2, 5; 1:8; 2:13; Acts 27:22, 24-25; 28:3-9, see footnote 1 on v. 9.

二 保罗以基督为一切—作他的生活、榜样、目标和秘诀—腓一19~21上,二5~16,三7~14,四11~13。note

B. Paul took Christ as everything—as his living, pattern, goal, and secret—Phil. 1:19-21a; 2:5-16; 3:7-14; 4:11-13.

三 保罗在新约的职事,就是在那灵的职事、义的职事并和好的职事里,被神注入,将神照耀出来—林后三18,四1,三6、8~9,五18~20。note

C. Paul was infused with God to shine forth God in the ministry of the new covenant, which is the ministry of the Spirit, the ministry of righteousness, and the ministry of reconciliation—2 Cor. 3:18; 4:1; 3:6, 8-9; 5:18-20.

四 因着保罗是信徒的榜样(提前一16),他就能嘱咐提摩太“在言语、为人、爱、信、纯洁上”作榜样(四12)。note

D. Because Paul was a pattern to the believers (1 Tim. 1:16), he could charge Timothy to be a pattern "in word, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity" (4:12).

五 保罗是我们的榜样,他作基督的大使(弗六20,林后五18~20),有以下的资格:note

E. Paul is our pattern in his being an ambassador of Christ (Eph. 6:20; 2 Cor. 5:18-20) with the following qualifications:

1 他不凭他所是的或所能作的,乃凭那不死的生命(就是基督自己)而活—4节,约十四6,西三4,加二20。note

1. He did not live by what he was or could do but by the immortal life, which is Christ Himself—v. 4; John 14:6; Col. 3:4; Gal. 2:20.

2 他怀着雄心大志,在一切事上都要讨基督的喜悦—就是在各方面活基督、长基督、彰显基督并繁殖基督—林后五9,西一10。note

2. He was determined to gain the honor of being well pleasing to Christ in all things—living Christ, growing Christ, expressing Christ, and propagating Christ in every respect—2 Cor. 5:9; Col. 1:10.

3 他受基督的爱困迫,不再向自己活,乃向主活;我们“向主”活,意即服在主的指引和管制之下,愿意履行祂的要求,满足祂的渴望,并完成祂所要作的—林后五14~15。note

3. He was constrained by the love of Christ to no longer live to himself but to live to the Lord; for us to live "to the Lord" means that we are under the Lord's direction and control and that we want to fulfill His requirements, satisfy His desires, and complete what He intends—2 Cor. 5:14-15.

4 他不在外面按着旧造里的肉体认人,乃在里面按着新造里的灵认人—16~17节,加六15。note

4. He did not know others outwardly according to the flesh in the old creation but inwardly according to the spirit in the new creation—vv. 16-17; Gal. 6:15.

六 保罗是我们的榜样,他活神并事奉神,乃是在他重生的灵里,凭着内住的基督(赐生命的灵),而不是在他的魂里,凭魂的能力和才能;他是属灵的人,为着那灵撒种,结那灵的果子—罗一9,七6,八4、16,加三3,五16、22~25,六8,林后四5,林前二15,林后二13。note

F. Paul is our pattern by living and serving God in his regenerated spirit by the indwelling Christ, the life-giving Spirit, not in his soul by the power and ability of the soul; he was a spiritual man who sowed unto the Spirit to bear the fruit of the Spirit—Rom. 1:9; 7:6; 8:4, 16; Gal. 3:3; 5:16, 22-25; 6:8; 2 Cor. 4:5; 1 Cor. 2:15; 2 Cor. 2:13.

七 保罗是我们的榜样,他有身体感且以身体为中心,在身体里、借着身体并为着身体作一切事—罗十二4~5,林前十二12~27,弗四1~6、15~16,西二19,徒二八13~15与15注2。note

G. Paul is our pattern in his being Body-conscious and Body-centered, doing everything in the Body, through the Body, and for the Body—Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:12-27; Eph. 4:1-6, 15-16; Col. 2:19; Acts 28:13-15 and footnote 2 on v. 15.

贰 牧养人,顾惜并喂养人,最好的路乃是给他们正确的榜样;保罗自己活基督,他就以此喂养他属灵的儿女—帖前二1~12,林后一23~二14,十一28~29,林前九22,徒二十28:note

II. The best way to shepherd people, to cherish and nourish them, is to give them a proper pattern; Paul fed his spiritual children with his own living of Christ—1 Thes. 2:1-12; 2 Cor. 1:23—2:14; 11:28-29; 1 Cor. 9:22; Acts 20:28:

一 保罗和他的同工乃是所传之福音的模型;“你们知道,我们在你们中间,为你们的缘故是怎样为人”—帖前一5下。

A. Paul and his co-workers were a pattern of the glad tidings that they spread; "you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake"—1 Thes. 1:5b.

二 在召会里,人比什么都要紧;人就是方法,人就是主的工作;你所是的,就是你所作的—约五19,六57,腓一19~26,徒二十18~35,太七17~18,十二33~37。note

B. In the church the most important thing is the person; the person is the way, and the person is the Lord's work; what you are is what you do—John 5:19; 6:57; Phil. 1:19-26; Acts 20:18-35; Matt. 7:17-18; 12:33-37.

三 我们需要跟随使徒的榜样,注意生命过于工作—约十二24,林后四12。note

C. We need to follow the pattern of the apostles to pay more attention to life than to work—John 12:24; 2 Cor. 4:12.

四 使徒不仅传福音,也活福音;他们尽职传福音,不仅凭着言语,也凭着展示神能力的生活,就是在圣灵里,并在信心确据里的生活—帖前一5。note

D. The apostles not only preached the gospel but also lived it; their ministering of the gospel was not only by word but also by a life that displayed the power of God, a life in the Holy Spirit and in the assurance of faith—1 Thes. 1:5.

五 帖撒罗尼迦的圣徒成了效法使徒的人;这引导他们跟从主,以主为榜样,因而使他们成了所有信徒的榜样—6~7节。note

E. The saints in Thessalonica became imitators of the apostles; this led them to follow the Lord, to take Him as their pattern, thus making them a pattern to all other believers—vv. 6-7.

六 使徒保罗一再强调使徒进到信徒那里;这表明在使徒将福音注入初信者里面时,使徒的行事为人扮演了重要的角色—5、9节,二1:note

F. The apostle Paul stressed repeatedly the apostles' entrance toward the believers; this shows that their manner of life played a great role in infusing the gospel into the new converts—vv. 5, 9; 2:1:

1 使徒一面争战,一面在神里面放胆,对帖撒罗尼迦人讲说福音—2节。note

1. The apostles were struggling and speaking the gospel to the Thessalonians in the boldness of God—v. 2.

2 使徒毫无错谬、污秽或诡诈—3节。note

2. The apostles were free from deception, uncleanness, and guile—v. 3.

3 神首先试验并验中使徒,然后把福音托付他们;因此,他们的讲说、他们福音的传扬,不是出于自己,要讨人喜欢,乃是出于神,要讨神喜欢;祂一直察验、察看并试验他们的心—4节,诗二六2,一三九23~24,林后一12,六6,七3。note

3. The apostles were first tested and approved by God and then were entrusted by Him with the gospel; hence, their speaking, the preaching of the gospel, was not of themselves to please men but of God to please Him; God proved, examined, and tested their hearts continually—v. 4; Psa. 26:2; 139:23-24; 2 Cor. 1:12; 6:6; 7:3.

4 使徒没有用过谄媚的话,也没有借掩饰而贪婪—帖前二5:note

4. The apostles were neither found with flattering speech nor with a pretext for covetousness—1 Thes. 2:5:

a 借掩饰而贪婪,就是混乱或搀混神的话—林后二17,四2。note

a. To have any pretext for covetousness is to peddle or adulterate the word of God—2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2.

b 也是为利假装敬虔—提前六5,多一11,彼后二3。note

b. It is also to pretend to be godly for the sake of gain—1 Tim. 6:5; Titus 1:11; 2 Pet. 2:3.

5 使徒没有寻求从人来的荣耀—帖前二6下:note

5. The apostles did not seek glory from men—1 Thes. 2:6a:

a 寻求从人来的荣耀,对每一个基督的工人都是真试诱,许多已被这事吞灭、破坏—参撒上十五12。note

a. To seek glory from men is a real temptation to every Christian worker; many have been devoured and spoiled by this matter—cf. 1 Sam. 15:12.

b 路西弗由于寻求荣耀,成为神的对头撒但;凡寻求从人来的荣耀,都是撒但的跟从者—结二八13~17,赛十四12~15,太四8~10。note

b. Lucifer became God's adversary, Satan, because of glory-seeking; anyone who seeks glory from men is a follower of Satan—Ezek. 28:13-17; Isa. 14:12-15; Matt. 4:8-10.

c 我们能给主用多少,我们的用处会持续多久,乃在于我们是否寻求从人来的荣耀—参约七17~18,五39~44,十二43,林后四5。note

c. How much we will be used by the Lord and how long our usefulness will last depend on whether we seek glory from men—cf. John 7:17-18; 5:39-44; 12:43; 2 Cor. 4:5.

6 使徒虽然是基督的使徒,却不维护自己的权柄和尊严—帖前二6上:note

6. The apostles did not stand on their own authority or dignity as apostles of Christ—1 Thes. 2:6b:

a 在基督徒的工作中维护权柄、尊严或权利,就破坏了工作;主耶稣在地上时放弃了祂的尊严(约十三4~5),使徒也宁可不用他的权利(林前九12)。note

a. To assert authority, dignity, or right in Christian work damages that work; the Lord Jesus, while on earth, gave up His dignity (John 13:4-5), and the apostle preferred not to use his right (1 Cor. 9:12).

b 我们若效法这个榜样,就会把基督身体里这种要求地位的致命病菌杀死—太二十20~28。note

b. If we follow this pattern, we will kill a deadly disease germ in the Body of Christ, the germ of assuming a position—Matt. 20:20-28.

7 使徒顾惜信徒并切慕他们,如同乳母顾惜、切慕自己的孩子—帖前二7~8,参加四19,赛四九14~15,六六12~13:note

7. The apostles cherished the believers and yearned over them as a nursing mother would cherish and yearn over her own children—1 Thes. 2:7-8; cf. Gal. 4:19; Isa. 49:14-15; 66:12-13:

a 顾惜人就是使人快乐,安慰人,叫人觉得你令他们愉快,在每件事上并在每一方面都叫人容易接触你。

a. To cherish people is to make them happy, to comfort them, to make them feel that you are pleasant to them, easy to be contacted in everything and in every way.

b 在我们天然的人性里顾惜人,是不真的;我们顾惜人必须有主的同在作迷人的因素,作复活的实际。

b. To cherish people in our natural humanity is not genuine; we must cherish people with the Lord's presence as the charming factor, as the reality of resurrection.

c 顾惜人包含喂养人;喂养人是以那在三个时期中尽其丰满职事之包罗万有的基督喂养他们—弗五29。note

c. Cherishing includes nourishing; to nourish people is to feed them with the all-inclusive Christ in His full ministry of three stages—Eph. 5:29.

8 使徒不但将神的福音分给帖撒罗尼迦人,连自己的性命也分给他们—帖前二8:note

8. The apostles not only imparted the gospel of God to the Thessalonians; they also imparted their own souls—1 Thes. 2:8:

a 过洁净、正直的生活(3~6,10),并且爱初信者,甚至将我们的性命分给他们(7~9、11),乃是我们将福音注入他们里面的必要条件。note

a. To live a clean and upright life (vv. 3-6, 10) and to love the new converts, even by giving our own souls to them (vv. 7-9, 11), are the prerequisites for infusing them with the gospel.

b 保罗为圣徒的缘故,不仅愿意花费他所有的,也愿意花上他自己,就是他这个人—林后十二15。note

b. Paul was willing to spend not only what he had but also himself, his very being, on behalf of the saints—2 Cor. 12:15.

9 在劝勉信徒上,使徒看自己是父亲,要叫他们行事为人配得过神,而有一种生活行动,使他们能进入神的国,并将他们引进神的荣耀—帖前二11~12。note

9. The apostles considered themselves as fathers in exhorting the believers to walk in a manner worthy of God, to have a walk that will enable them to enter into the kingdom of God and usher them into the glory of God—1 Thes. 2:11-12.